Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Expecto Patronum

So here I am, 1 am, watching Morgan snore and watch Happy Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. On the bright side my dog is looking extra cute today.

Also I bought season 4 of Garfield and friends. I also bought the original ninja turtles movie, Arizona green tea, chocolate special k, and my eternal happiness. These things are all I need. Well...and maybe this:

Okay so enough of this cheesy shameless self promotion.

Morgan leaves for Pit Stop training in exactly 42 days. So after the U.S govt robbing me of him for 12...oh no wait he got stop-lossed...15 MONTHS, immigration separated us for another month 6 weeks after he got back. Now, lucky me, he leaves for another 4 months. You know, this would be awesome if we hated each other...but who's gonna make my breakfast? and make me feel sexy on fat days? and sing made up songs to me? who's gonna put their belly on my belly*?


*for the record, this was invented by a 2 year old. My friend Diane's son kept pulling my shirt up, and then his, and he'd touch our bellies. He was obsessed. He'd seriously cry if I said no. I told Morgan about it and now he does it to me all the time, and let me tell you, it is the most amazing feeling thing ever. It just makes you giggle. More than butterfly kisses. More then watching Morgan run around the house in his onesie pyjama.

So you see, I'm gonna be totally lost. I plan on filling the void with night after night of inconsiderate dancing, and large poutines. I will officially be that girl again. Only difference? I don't drink anymore. How weird is that?!?!?! I can't I get sick and it tastes yucky. I have an occasional glass of wine, but lately even that hasn't been happening. Yet I agreed to marry an American Irish 23 year old soldier who thinks that a 12 pack is a single serving. Funny how life works innit? I gotta say though I really miss vegan specialty foods. There is no such thing as rice cheese or tofurky in Midwest Indiana.

Things I look forward to coming home for: The Vegetarian friendly section of loblaws, foufs(yeah I'm so lame, right? Yet the people thinking that are still there every Thursday anyway), my family, Dolly, cable TV, my treadmill, Nonna's cookies, Nonno's tomato sauce, my cousin Chris' dry humor, my brother's witty banter, Francis' voice of reason, and Andrew in small doses. Montreal is great for all those things and more...believe it or not I miss the STM, I haven't seen public transportation in forever!!! Unless you count the Savannah historical tour trolley.

Yet I miss Georgia a lot too. I miss the boys mostly. I also miss renting movies every Friday, Making cupcakes for parties, my amazing red couch, the PX, having to show my ID every time we drive on post and hearing the same security guard with the random English accent say " I'm sorry ma'am, but there's no way this is you" (K so I was like 100lbs fatter and had a much more pronounced moustache when my passport picture was taken), and I just miss the Georgia heat all together. I wish I could go back in time and spend more time watching Hendley enjoy my brownies, and Fuller and Tony be hilarious, and Shain being philosophical, and Travis being a perv.

I just can't wait to finally have our own home, and for the military to stop dicking us around the county. I pray he gets stationed in Boston, although we're told he can be anywhere from the Caribbean, to Hawaii, to Florida, to any other place near water you could imagine. Even Australia. I know I'm nuts for wanting to live in Boston but I need to be close to my family. I need to be near a city. I doubt there's a high demand for it though and luckily with Morgan's specialization he can be anywhere he's needed. Come on New England!

Well gotta run, FYI I'm still a smoker (shazzam!). Yes I know it'll kill me.



  1. OKAY FORGIVE ME. i'm confused.

    you are getting married??? and and and you are don't live in MTL anymore? or did you go away for awhile?

  2. Wow, way to blog. :D
    I miss you G-unit. Every time I think of calling you, mom's on the phone yammering on about Volvo cars, sushi or Dolly (now into her third name: Fluffy Nutterkins).

    So maybe I'm a flaky brother. At least my name doesn't start with G?

